Deliver us, O Lord, from the foolishness of impatience.
Let us no be in such a hurry as to run without Thee. May we remember that;
It takes time to build a nation that can truly be called God’s own country.
It takes time to work out the kind of peace that will endure.
Slow us down, O Lord.
Remind us that You are in Zimbabwe, as well as above and beyond it.
Remind us that You are not indifferent.
For You are not a spectator God, high and lifted up, serene and unperturbed.
You have a plan, and Your will shall one day be done in Zimbabwe, not alone by those who love Thee and know Thee to be God, but by all.
Sustain us with that hope and encouragement, that our prayer be not in vain when we pray “ Thy Kingdom Come”.
The shadow of Your wing covers all your children.
We are persuaded that in that world of the Spirit in which we really live,
Neither persecution nor peril nor sword shall be able to separate us from Your Love.
We pray for all the people in leadership in Zim. We are deeply concerned that they may know the Your will, and that they may have the spiritual courage and grace to follow it.
Deliver them from all selfish considerations,
Lift them above the claims of politics,
Fill them with Your Spirit.
May you strengthen and empower all political advisers at this time. Bring them too, to their knees in prayer.
May their example and their influence spread, that we may yet have a government of men who know You, The Almighty God, as their Friend, and who place Thy will first in their lives as well as in their prayers.
Lead us to this high adventure.
In The Strong name of Jesus, Our Lord
We pray……..Amen.
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