Monday, January 14, 2008


A cool morning breeze sweeps into my room through the open window and gently caresses my face. I get up from my bed and cover my eyes as the first rays of the sun brighten up my face. I draw open my curtains and something inside me just wants to inhale the fresh air. Two birds fly by chasing each other in what seems to be a fight. Could it be that, the early bird caught the first worm and now has to defend it from other late wakers??
The clouds are dark, pregnant with water and anytime they might empty themselves upon this our small town. The rays breaking through the clouds paint a heavenly picture in my mind. When He returns, will it be as beautiful as today, What is He saying to me through such a beautiful morning, questions start whirling up in my “workshop”.

I can here my niece stomping her feet in another room. ( Her language of not wanting the maid to comb her hair ) I smile, as I recall the many languages that she has managed to introduce to us. Schools open today and in this day she is one of the many “victims”. Its her first day at school, her first day in the first grade. She is all excited and she runs past me just as Taz does when he goes wild.
Its her beginning something that would alter the course of her “river”. She has started something that will take her ages to complete. Many have dropped out from school and I pray that she might to be caught up in the same web years down the line. She has to push on, hold on, strive and not lose her wits. Definitely it will get a bit nasty, but the sun always rises in the morning.

P U S H, is what my friend told me. Pray Until Something Happens. Have at it and have it. Stick to it and succeed; a strong job can be managed by a strong resolution. Till a thing is done, men wonder that you think it can be done, and when you have done it, they wonder why it was never done before. Know your business and give your mind to it.
He is a sorry dog who wants game and will not hunt for it: let us never lie down in idle despair, but follow on till we succeed.
Rome was not build in a day, unless it be a dog-kennel. Perseverance is one of the main things in life. To hold on, and hold out to the end, is the chief matter.
Persevere, say I to you.



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